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国・地域名(日本語) イラン
国・地域名(英語) Iran
正式国・地域名(日本語) イラン・イスラム共和国
正式国・地域名(英語) Islamic Republic of Iran
国・地域情報 外務省
The World Factbook (CIA)
ウィキペディア 日本語版




「イラン」(日本手話研究所「手話確定普及研究部」編. ヘドバーグ,トーマス監修. 2002.『国名手話ガイドブック』東京: 財団法人全日本ろうあ連盟出版局. 149.)

"Iran" (In: Japanese Federation of the Deaf ed. Supervisor: Hedberg, Tomas. 2003. Country name-signs. Helsinki, Finland: World Federation of the Deaf. 84.)




ペルシャ手話(イラン手話) Persian Sign Language (Iranian Sign Language))

ティーハウス手話Tea House Sign Language




イラン全国ろう者センター (Iranian National Center for the Deaf世界ろう連盟加盟団体)







Islamic Republic of Iran Welfare Organization ed. 1989. Persian Sign Language collection for the deaf. Tehran? :Islamic Republic of Iran Welfare Organization, Education and Research Office, Rehabilitation Research Group.


Behmanesh, Abbas Ali. 2007. Iranian Deaf Culture. In : Goodstein, Harvey ed. The Deaf Way II Reader : Perspectives from the Second International Conference on Deaf Culture. Washington,DC: Gallaudet University Press. 193-198.

財団法人全日本ろうあ連盟日本手話研究所外国手話研究部編. 2004. 「2002年度アジア各国の手話表現」『アジアの手話 第5集』東京: 財団法人全日本ろうあ連盟日本手話研究所外国手話研究部 :23-48.

ガハレマン, ルスベ. 2004. 「2002年度アジアのろう者・手話事情」『アジアの手話 第5集』東京: 財団法人全日本ろうあ連盟日本手話研究所外国手話研究部: 6.

Ghahrman Rouzbeh. 2003. Deaf in Iran. Paper presented at the Conference of Deaf History International, held in Paris, 2003.

財団法人全日本ろうあ連盟日本手話研究所外国手話研究部編. 2003. 「2000年度アジア各国の手話表現」『アジアの手話 第4集』東京: 財団法人全日本ろうあ連盟日本手話研究所外国手話研究部: 34-80.

マハムディ, レザ. 2003. 「2000年度アジアのろう者・手話事情」『アジアの手話 第4集』東京: 財団法人全日本ろうあ連盟日本手話研究所外国手話研究部: 5-6.

Ghahreman, Rouzbeh. 2002. The development of education and training of the deaf in Islamic countries: case study of Iran. M.A. thesis, Islamic Azad University, Iran. [in Persian]

Behmanesh, Abbas Ali. 2002. Deaf Way II Presentation : On Iranian Deaf Culture.

Akabarloo, N. and M. Ghadami. 2000. The study of psycho-educational variables affect[ing] educational achievement of included hearing impaired students in Iran -2001. In: Proceedings of 5th International Special Education Congress, University of Manchester, July 2000. (CD–Rom).

Hadadian, Azar. 1996. Beyond the National Boundaries : History of deaf education in Iran. In: Fischer, Renate and Tomas Vollhaber, with H. Zienert eds. Collage: works on international deaf history Hamburg : 117-124.

Islamic Republic of Iran Welfare Organisation ed. 1989. Persian Sign Language collection for the Deaf. Education & Research Office, Rehabilitation Research Group.

Sparhawk, Carol M. 1978. Contrastive-identificational features of Persian gesture. In: Semiotica v.24 no.1-2. 49-86.

Pashimi, A. R. 1976. The difference in incidence of deafness between offspring of paternal and maternal consanguineous matings in Iran, with its implications for deafness in the Third World. In: Crammatte, F. B. and A.B. Crammatte eds. Full Citizenship for All Deaf People. VII World Congress of the World Federation of the Deaf, Washington, DC, USA, July 31 - August 7, 1975. 165-166.

Sydenham, Roger. 1974. Visit to Iran. In : Hearing. 29: 172-174.

Phillott, D. C. 1907. A note on Sign-, Gesture-, Code-, and Secret-language, etc., amongst the Persians. In : Journal of Asiatic Society of Bengal III (9) 619-622.

Iran Welfare Organisation. Assistant of Rehabilitation Affairs. Deaf People Rehabilitation in Iran. Tehran.





Deaf Community - Iran

Deaf cultures and Sign Languages of the world: Iran

Fingeralphabete (Iran)


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