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Yano, Uiko  and Kazumi Matsuoka. 2016. [http://www.tislr12.org/wp-content/uploads/posters/Session%2012%20-%20Presentation%204.pdf Number, Time Line, And Spatial Expressions In A Village Sign Language In Japan: A Preliminary Study Of Ehime-Oshima Island Sign Language.] Oral presentation at [http://www.tislr12.org/  Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research Conference (TISLR 12).]
Yano, Uiko  and Kazumi Matsuoka. 2016. [http://www.tislr12.org/wp-content/uploads/posters/Session%2012%20-%20Presentation%204.pdf Number, Time Line, And Spatial Expressions In A Village Sign Language In Japan: A Preliminary Study Of Ehime-Oshima Island Sign Language.] Oral presentation at [http://www.tislr12.org/  Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research Conference (TISLR 12).]
松岡和美. 2015. 「日本手話で学ぶ手話言語学の基礎」くろしお出版.
Matsuoka, Kazumi and Lillo-Martin. 2015. Interpretation of bound pronouns by hearing learners of Japanese Sign Language: testing the “anti-OPC” effect. Poster presentation at [https://icsla2015.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/icsla2015_abstracts1.pdf 2nd International Conference on Sign Language Acquisition], 1-3 July 2015, Amsterdam.
Bono, Mayumi, Kouhei Kikuchi, Paul Cibulka and Yutaka Osugi. 2014. A Colloquial Corpus of Japanese Sign Language: Linguistic Resources for Observing Sign Language Conversations. Presentation at [http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2014/index.html LREC 2014, Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation], 2014, 28-30 May 2014. Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Bono, Mayumi, Kouhei Kikuchi, Paul Cibulka and Yutaka Osugi. 2014. A Colloquial Corpus of Japanese Sign Language: Linguistic Resources for Observing Sign Language Conversations. Presentation at [http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2014/index.html LREC 2014, Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation], 2014, 28-30 May 2014. Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Current revision as of 20:25, 24 January 2017

国・地域名(日本語) 日本
国・地域名(英語) Japan
正式国・地域名(日本語) 日本国
正式国・地域名(英語) Japan
国・地域情報 [なし]
The World Factbook (CIA)
ウィキペディア 日本語版




「日本」(日本手話研究所「手話確定普及研究部」編. ヘドバーグ,トーマス監修. 2002.『国名手話ガイドブック』東京: 財団法人全日本ろうあ連盟出版局. 10.)

"Japan" (In: Japanese Federation of the Deaf ed. Supervisor: Hedberg, Tomas. 2003. Country name-signs. Helsinki, Finland: World Federation of the Deaf. 10.)




日本手話Japanese Sign Language

奄美大島手話Amami O Shima Sign Language


  • 日本政府によるろう者人口 :312,000人. 全日本ろうあ連盟によるろう者人口 :23,905人. (WFD. 2008. Global Survey Report. : 下記 文献 欄参照.)



全日本ろうあ連盟(Japanese Federation of the Deaf (JFD) 世界ろう連盟加盟団体; 1947年設立.(WFD. 2008. Global Survey Report. : 下記 文献 欄参照.))



  • 教育を受ける機会(Access to Education)(WFD. 2008. Global Survey Report. : 下記 文献 欄参照. より)

1.政府は、ろう児およびろう学生が教育を受ける権利を認めている(The government recognizes that Deaf children and Deaf students have the right to receive an education.)

2.ろう教育に関連する法律・政策(Legislation or policies on Deaf Education):

a) 教育基本法
b) 学校教育法

3.政府は次の教育環境をろう児およびろう学生に提供している(The government provides those educational settings for Deaf children and Deaf students):

早期介入(5歳まで)(Early intervention (Up to 5 years old))
幼稚園(3・4歳から5・6歳まで)(Kindergarten (Between 3/4 years old to 5/6 years old))
初等教育(5・6歳から12・13歳)(Primary (From 5/6 years old to 12/13 years old))
中等教育(12・13歳から17・18歳)(Secondary (From 12/13 years old to 17/18 years old))
大学(18歳以上)(University (After 18 years old))
職業教育・訓練(Vocational Education/Training)

4.政府は国の手話を用いたバイリンガル教育を次の教育機関で提供している(The government provides bilingual education using the country’s sign language(s) for Deaf children and Deaf students in those educational settings):


5.ろう児およびろう学生のための特別な学校数、また学校におけるろう児・ろう学生とのコミュニケーションの教育方法について(Schools specifically for Deaf children and Deaf students in the country, and the educational approach for communicating with Deaf children and students at the Deaf School):

106のろう学校(106 Schools)
バイリンガル教育(Bilingual Education)
口話法(Oral Method)
キュードスピーチ(Cued Speech)
口話および手話(トータルコミュニケーション)(Oral and Sign Language (Total Communication))
聴覚活用による音声言語教育(Auditory Verbal)

6.大学でのろう者の受け入れ状況および、大学内の手話通訳の利用(Deaf people’s access to a University education and sign language interpreting services at University):

ほとんどすべての大学がろう者を受け入れている。入学試験を拒否する大学はない。(Almost all universities provide access. There are no universities that reject Deaf students from taking entrance examinations.)
手話通訳サービスなし(No sign language interpreting service)


  • WASLI報告によると、手話通訳者協会が設立されている(WASLI. 2011. WASLI Activities Report 2007-2011 (下記 文献 欄参照.))
  • 手話サービス通訳の状況(Status of Sign Language Interpreting Services)(WFD. 2008. Global Survey Report. : 下記 文献 欄参照. より)

1.国内の手話通訳者数(The number of sign language interpreters in the country):

国が認定する手話通訳士: 2007年3月時点で1789名( Nationally Certified Sign Language Interpreters: 1,789 as of March 2007 )
地域の登録通訳者: 2003年時点で約20000人(Locally Registered Sign Language Interpreters: around 20,000 as of 2003)

2.手話通訳者の資格制度有り(There are some Sign language interpreting qualifications in the country.)

3.有資格の手話通訳者養成担当者・機関(The provider of the training for people who want to become qualified sign language interpreters):

コミュニティカレッジ(Community College)
全国ろう協会(National Association of the Deaf)
その他: 多くの地方自治体が手話通訳訓練プロジェクトの予算を配分しており、地域のろう協会と協力して手話講習会を開いている(Other: Many local governments allocate a budget for Sign Language Interpreter Training projects and offer sign language courses for the public in co-operation with local associations of the Deaf)

4.手話通訳者になるための訓練の年数(Total years of training to become a sign languate interpreters):

3年。多くの地方自治体は、日常会話レベルの通訳ができる手話ヘルパーを育てる3年コースを提供している。国家資格としての手話通訳士試験を受けるには、通常2~5年の通訳実務経験が必要である(Three years: Local governments throughout the country offer 3-year courses to train Sign Language Helpers who can interpret on the level of daily conversations. It usually takes 2-5 years of actual interpreting experience to pass the National Qualification Examination of Sign Language Interpretation (for National Certification of Sign Language Interpreters)

5.正式な公的資格を持った手話通訳者の数(The number of sign language interpreters who have formal interpreting qualifications in the country):

国が認定する手話通訳士: 2007年3月時点で1789名( Nationally Certified Sign Language Interpreters: 1,789 as of March 2007 )
県の行政や地域の行政も地元の手話通訳者のための資格試験を実施している(Prefectural administrations and municipal administrations also conduct qualification examinations for sign language interpreters working in the local setting.)

6.ろう者が手話通訳者を利用する方法(The way Deaf people access sign language interpreters):

ろう者は、手話通訳者派遣センター、ボランティアセンター、ろう者のための情報センター、地元のろう者協会など、居住区の拠点で手話通訳を依頼できる(A Deaf person can request sign language interpreting services at the focal point of his residential area, such as a Sign Language Interpreter Dispatch Centre, Volunteer Centre, Information Centre for the Deaf and Local Associations of the Deaf.)

7.手話通訳サービス提供者・機関(The provier of the sign language interpreting services):

その他: ほとんどの地方自治体が地元のろう者協会を通して委託事業として手話通訳サービスを行う(Others: Most local governments provide a sign language interpreting service through local associations of the Deaf as an entrusted project)

8.生活の中で手話通訳サービスを利用できる範囲(The area of life sign language interpreting services are available):

社会福祉(Social Services)
健康・医療(Health/Medical Services)
雇用(Employment Services)
裁判(Court Services)
教育(Educational Services)
カウンセリング(Counselling Services)
金融機関(Financial Institutions)

9.手話通訳者への支払いおよび支払い負担者(The payment for interpreting services, and those who are responsible for paying):

手話通訳者は通訳サービスの対価を受け取る(Sign language interpreters receive payment for interpreting services)
政府が支払う: 基本的に、政府はろう者から依頼のあった通訳サービスについて支払いの義務を負う(Government pays: Government is basically responsible for paying interpreters for services required by Deaf persons.)
その他: 通訳者は、企業、機関、個人などに雇われることもある(Others: Interpreters may also be hired and paid by enterprises, organisations, private individuals, and so forth. )

10.手話通訳者の1時間あたりの平均時給(The average hourly rate of payment for sign language interpreters):

1時間あたり1100円が国の平均である(7ユーロ:2008年1月31日現在のレート)(1100 Yen per hour - National average (7.00€ on 31st January 2008))

11.手話通訳者は、ボランティアサービスで通訳を行なうことがある(Sign language interpreters some times provide voluntary service for sign language interpreting assignments.)

12.手話通訳者協会(National Association of Sign Language Interpreters):

全国ろう者協会から独立している (independent from the National Association of the Deaf)

13.全国的な手話通訳者に関する倫理綱領(National Code of Ethics for sign language interpreters):


14.政府が手話通訳を提供する責任があると明記した法律や政策(.Legislation or policy in the country which states that the government has a responsibility for the provision of sign language):

身体障害者福祉法(Law for the Welfare of Physically Disabled Persons)
身体障害者の通信・放送サービス利用を容易にする事業推進法(Law for Promoting Businesses that Facilitate the Use of Communications and Broadcast Services by the Physically Disabled Persons)
障害者のための基本法(Fundamental Law for Disabled Persons)
厚生労働省の施策と方針(Measures and policies of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
全国的な障害者の社会参加を促進するプロジェクト(Project to nationally promote social participation of persons with disabilities)

  • この国の手話通訳については、WASLIによって2006年に行われた類似のアンケート調査で得られたデータが、 WASLI Newsletter 2007 Issue 6に載っている (下記 文献 欄参照.)。

1.国の手話言語(The sign language in the country ):

日本手話Japanese Sign Language

2.国の音声言語(Spoken languages):






全日本聾唖連盟日本手話研究所編. 1997.「日本語-手話辞典」.東京:全日本聾唖連盟出版局

Japanese Federation of the Deaf. Institute for Sign Language Studies(Editorial Board: Honna, Nobuyuki, Mihoko Kato, Michiko Tsuchiya and Kunihiko Sadahiro) eds. 1991. An English dictionary of basic Japanese signs. Tokyo: Japanese Federation of the Deaf. (全日本聾唖連盟日本手話研究所(編集員:本名信行、加藤美保子、土谷道子、貞広邦彦)編. 1991.「英語版 日本手話単語集」.東京:全日本聾唖連盟出版局)

香港中華YMCA・台北YMCA・クアラルンプールYMCA・大阪YMCA編.1989.『四ヶ国手話辞典2(聾人手語)』(第4版)大阪: 大阪YMCA. [ 台湾手話日本手話香港手話マレーシア手話の手話辞典.韓国手話の指文字ページあり.]

香港中華YMCA・台北YMCA・マレーシアYMCA同盟・大阪YMCA 編.1984.『四ヶ国手話辞典1(聾人手語)』(第3版)大阪: 大阪YMCA. [ 台湾手話日本手話香港手話マレーシア手話の手話辞典.韓国手話の指文字ページあり.]

1980.『聾人手語』(改定版)大阪: 大阪YMCA. [ 台湾手話日本手話香港手話の手話辞典]

1979.『聾人手語』(第1版)香港: 香港中華YMCA. [ 台湾手話日本手話香港手話の手話辞典]


Kikuchi, Kouhei and Mayumi Bono. 2016. Searching for phenomena in a spontaneous Japanese signed discourse corpus using structured annotations. Poster presentation at Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research Conference (TISLR 12).

Kuroda, Eikoh, Chika Hara and Akio Suemori. 2016. Sentence-final particle, mouthing kore, in Japanese Sign Language. Poster presentation at Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research Conference (TISLR 12).

Sagara, Keiko and Nick Palfreyman. 2016. The Difference: Variation In The Numerals Of Japanese, Taiwan And South Korean Sign Language. Oral presentation at Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research Conference (TISLR 12).

Sasaki, Daisuke. 2016. The Lexical Influence of Japanese Sign Language on Taiwan and Korean Sign Languages: Data from Taiwanese and Korean Deaf Signers. Poster presentation at Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research Conference (TISLR 12).]

Yano, Uiko and Kazumi Matsuoka. 2016. Number, Time Line, And Spatial Expressions In A Village Sign Language In Japan: A Preliminary Study Of Ehime-Oshima Island Sign Language. Oral presentation at Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research Conference (TISLR 12).

松岡和美. 2015. 「日本手話で学ぶ手話言語学の基礎」くろしお出版.

Matsuoka, Kazumi and Lillo-Martin. 2015. Interpretation of bound pronouns by hearing learners of Japanese Sign Language: testing the “anti-OPC” effect. Poster presentation at 2nd International Conference on Sign Language Acquisition, 1-3 July 2015, Amsterdam.

Bono, Mayumi, Kouhei Kikuchi, Paul Cibulka and Yutaka Osugi. 2014. A Colloquial Corpus of Japanese Sign Language: Linguistic Resources for Observing Sign Language Conversations. Presentation at LREC 2014, Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2014, 28-30 May 2014. Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Matsuoka, Kazumi and Jon Gajewski. 2013. Gradability in the Polarity-sensitive Mouth Gestures in Japanese Sign Language. Poster presentation at Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research (TISLR11)

Saito, Kurumi and Naotake Tsukidate. 2013. Eye Gaze and Eye Movement in Japanese Sign Language. Poster presentation at Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research (TISLR11)

Sasaki, Daisuke. 2013. North Korean Sign Language: A Possible Influence from Korean and Japanese Sign Languages. Poster presentation at Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research (TISLR11)

Uchibori, Asako and Kazumi Matsuoka. 2013. Rightward movement of wh-elements in Japanese Sign Language: A preliminary study. Poster presentation at Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research (TISLR11)

Zeshan, Ulrike, Keiko Sagara and Anastasia Bradford. 2013. Multilingual and multimodal aspects of “cross-signing” – A study of emerging communication in the domain of numerals. Poster presentation at Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research (TISLR11)

Penner, Mark. 2013. Mouthed verbs in Japanese Sign Language relative clauses. Presentation at the International Conference on Sign Linguistics and Deaf Education in Asia, 2013, 30 January – 2 February 2013. The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Sagara, Keiko. 2013. Comparing the structures of number signs in Japanese Sign Language and Chinese Sign Language. Poster presentation at the International Conference on Sign Linguistics and Deaf Education in Asia, 2013, 30 January – 2 February 2013. The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Sasaki, Michiko and Satoko Suzuki. 2013. Utilizing Cell Phone Text Messaging as a Learning Tool for Japanese Deaf Children. Poster presentation at the International Conference on Sign Linguistics and Deaf Education in Asia, 2013, 30 January – 2 February 2013. The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Torigoe, Takashi. 2013. Signed language learning by hard-of-hearing pupils: An inclusive practice in a regular primary school in Japan. Presentation at the International Conference on Sign Linguistics and Deaf Education in Asia, 2013, 30 January – 2 February 2013. The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Mori, Soya. 2011. Pluralization: An Alternative to Existing Hegemony in JSL. In: Mathur, Gaurav and Donna Jo Napoli eds. Deaf around the World, The Impact of Language. 333-338. New York, USA. Oxford University Press.

Nakamura, Karen. 2011. The Language Politics of Japanese Sign Language (Nihon Shuwa). In: Mathur, Gaurav and Donna Jo Napoli eds. Deaf around the World, The Impact of Language. 316-332. New York, USA. Oxford University Press.

WASLI (World Association of Sign Language Interpreters). 2011. WASLI country reports 2011 Japan Kampala, UGANDA.

WASLI (World Association of Sign Language Interpreters). 2011. WASLI Activities Report 2007-2011. Kampala, UGANDA.

Echigo, Setsuko; Oka, Norie. 2010. Acquisition of Japanese Sign Language (JSL) by deaf infants from deaf and hearing families in sign language environment. Poster presentation at the Conference on Sign Linguistics and Deaf Education in Asia, 2010. (Hong Kong).

Eiji, Taira. 2010. W-coding in utterance of a bilingual child of Japanese and Japanese Sign Language. Presentation at the Conference on Sign Linguistics and Deaf Education in Asia, 2010. (Hong Kong).

Sasaki, Daisuke. 2010. A lexical comparison of sign languages in East Asia: Data from Japanese Sign Language (JSL), Taiwan Sign Language (TSL), and Korean Sign Languages (KSL). Presentation at the Conference on Sign Linguistics and Deaf Education in Asia 2010 (Hong Kong).

Nakamura, Karen. 2009. Disability, Destitution, and Disaster: Surviving the 1995 Great Hanshin Earthquake in Japan. In : Human Organization. Volume 68 Issue 1 (Spring): 73-81.

Su, Shioufen and James H-Y. Tai. 2009. Lexical Comparison of Signs from Taiwan, Chinese, Japanese, and American Sign Languages: Taking Iconicity into Account In : Tai, James. H-Y. and Jane Tsay eds. Taiwan Sign Language and beyond. Chia-Yi, Taiwan: The Taiwan Institute for the Humanities, National Chung Cheng University. 149-176.

Nagashima, Yuji, Mina Terauchi and Kaoru Nakazono. 2008. Construction of Japanese Sign Language Dialogue Corpus: KOSIGN. Poster presentation at  The 6th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference will take place in Marrakech (Morocco).

World Federation of the Deaf and Swedish National Association of the Deaf. 2008. Global Survey Report. WFD Regional Secretariat for Asia and the Pacific (WFD RSA/P). Global Education Pre-Planning Project on the Human Rights of Deaf People. World Federation of the Deaf. Finland.

Nippon Foundation. 2007. Gallaudet students visit the Nippon Foundation. Tokyo : Nippon foundation.

WASLI (World Association of Sign Language Interpreters). 2007. Japan. In: WASLI country reports 2007. 20-23. Kampala, UGANDA.

Sasaki, Daisuke. 2007. Comparing the Lexicons of Japanese Sign Language and Taiwan Sign Language: A Preliminary Study Focusing on the Difference in the Handshape Parameter. In : Quinto-Pozos, David ed. Sign Language in Contact. 123-150. Washington, DC. Gallaudet University Press.

WASLI. 2007. WASLI Newsletter 2007 Issue 6 Kampala, UGANDA.

Morgan, Michael W. 2006. Interrogatives and negatives in Japanese Sign Language. In: Zeshan, Ulrike. ed. Interrogative and Negative Constructions in Sign Languages. Sign Language Typology Series No. 1. Nijmegen: Ishara Press. 91-127.

Nakamura, Karen. 2006. Deaf in Japan: signing and politics of identity. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

Nakamura, Karen. 2006. Creating and contesting signs in contemporary Japan: language ideologies, identity and community in flux. In : Sign Language Studies 7: 11-29.

Nakamura, Karen. 2006. 「抵抗と同化:全日本ろうあ連盟と政治権力の関係」『社会科学研究』第57巻 第3・4合併号。東京:東京大学社会科学研究所紀要。[Resistance and Assimilation: The Relationship between Japanese Federation and the Deaf and Political Power. In : Shakai Kagaku Kenkyû. Vol 57 (3-4). Tokyo: Tokyo University Institute for Social Science.]

Torigoe, Takashi. 2006. Japanese Sign Language, In: Nakayama, Mineharu, Reiko .Mazuka and Yasuhiro.Shirai eds, Handbook of East Asian Psycholinguistics. Volume 2 Japanese. Cambridge University Press. 137-143.

Morgan, Michael W. 2005. A whole-language typology of Japanese Sign Language. In : Japanese Journal of Sign Linguistics, 16, 13-43.

Sasaki, Daisuke. 2005. Comparing the lexicon of Japanese Sign Language and Taiwan Sign Language: A preliminary study focusing on the difference in the movement parameter. In : Proceedings of the Sophia University Linguistic Society. 19. 21-39.

WASLI (World Association of Sign Language Interpreters). 2005. Japan. In: Country report 2005. 21-22. Kampala, Uganda.

Ichida, Yasuhira. 2004. Head Movement and Head Position in Japanese Sign Language. Poster session at Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research 8

Ann, Jean. 2003. The Chiying school in Taiwan: A foreigner's perspective. In: Monaghan, Leila, Constanze Schmaling, Karen Nakamura and Graham H. Turner eds. Many ways to be Deaf: International variation in Deaf communities. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press. 230-248. [ 台湾台湾手話中国手話日本手話 に関する情報を含む]

Nakamura, Karen. 2003. U-turns, Deaf shock, and the hard of hearing: Japanese Deaf identities at the borderlands. In: Monaghan, Leila, Constanze Schmaling, Karen Nakamura and Graham H. Turner eds. Many ways to be Deaf: International variation in Deaf communities. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press. 211-229.

Sasaki, Daisuke. 2003. Comparing the lexicon of sign languages in East Asia : A preliminary study focusing on the influence of Japanese Sign Language on Taiwan Sign Language. (東アジアにおける手話の語彙の比較:台湾手話に対する日本手話の影響に関する予備研究) Unpublished manuscript, University of Texas, Austin.

Guerra Currie, Anne-Marie P., Richard P. Meier and Keith Walters. 2002. A crosslinguistic examination of the lexicons of four signed languages. In: Meier, Richard P., Kearsy Cormier, David Quinto-Pozos eds. Modality and Structure in Signed and Spoken Languages. 224-236. Cambridge University Press. UK.

Koizumi, Atsuko, Hirohiko Sagawa and Masaru Takeuchi. 2002. An Annotated Japanese Sign Language Corpus. Paper presented at Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Las Palmas, Canary Islands - SPAIN.

Nakamura, Karen. 2002. Resistance and Co‐optation: the Japanese Federation of the Deaf and its Relations with State Power. In : Social Science Japan Journal (SSJJ) (2002) Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 17-35.

Nakamura, Karen. 2002. About Japanese Sign Language

Suzuki, Emiko and Kyoko Kakihana. 2002. Japanese and American Sign Language Dictionary System for Japanese and English Users.  Paper presented at Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Las Palmas, Canary Islands - SPAIN."

Nakamura, Karen. 2001. Deaf identities, sign languages, and minority social movement politics in modern Japan (1868-2000). Ph.D.dissertation., C.T., USA: Yale University.

Takada, Eiichi. 2001. Solidarity and movements of the deaf and hard of hearing in Asia. In : Asia and Pacific Journal on Disability. 4 (2) 6-19.

Valentine, James. 2001. Disabled discourse: hearing accounts of deafness constructed through Japanese television and film. In : Disability & Society. 61: 707-721.

Fischer, Susan and Yutaka Osugi. 2000. Thumbs up vs. giving the finger: Indexical classifiers in NS and ASL. Paper presented at the Seventh Conference on Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research (TISLR 7), Amsterdam.

Masataka, Nobuo. 2000. The role of modality and input in the earliest stage of language acquisition: Studies of Japanese Sign Language. In : Chamberlain, Charlene, Jill P. Morford and Rachel I. Mayberry Eds. Language Acquisition by eye. MahWah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.  3-24.

Minoura, Nobukatsu and Yasuhiro Ichida. 2000: Direct/inverse forms and the fourth person of the agreement verbs in Japanese Sign Language. Poster presented at the 7th International Conference on Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research. July 23rd-27th. Amsterdam. Manuscript.

2000. Japan. In : Turkington, Carol, and Allen E. Sussman eds. The encyclopedia of deafness and hearing disorders, second edition. New York : Facts on File. 117.

2000. Japanese Sign Language. In : Turkington, Carol, and Allen E. Sussman eds. The encyclopedia of deafness and hearing disorders, second edition. New York : Facts on File. 117.

Nakamura, Karen. 1999. 「日米のろう運動:比較研究の視点から」 『手話コミュニケーション研究』 日本手話研究所所報。1999.9 (33): 45-54. [Deaf Movements in the United States and Japan from a Comparative Analytical Perspective. In : Sign Language Communication Studies. August (33): 45-54. Tokyo: Japanese Institute for Sign Language Studies.]

Nakamura, Karen. 1999. 「言語・文化人類学から見た日米ろう社会と教育(講演会記録1998.11.14)」 『トータルコミュニケーション研究会会報』No. 79 (冬号):24-39. [Deaf education in Japan and the U.S.: a comparative approach from a linguistic and sociocultural anthropology perspective (Lecture Transcript of November 14, 1998). In : Total Communications Research Group Report. No. 79. Winter, 1999. Tokyo: Total Communication Research Group.]

Ogawa, Yuko. 1999. Vertical Scale Metaphors in Japanese and Japanese Sign Language. In : Sign Language Studies. 2(3). 296-321.

Osugi, Yutaka, Ted Supalla and Rebecca Webb. 1999. The use of word elicitation to identify distinctive gestural systems on Amami Island. In: Sign Language & Linguistics vol.2 no.1.87-112.

Tsuchiya, Michiko. 1999. Education of the deaf in Japan : Its development and current issues. In : Global perspectives on the education of the deaf in selected countries. Hillsboro, Ore. : Butte Publications. 205-218.

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Supalla, Ted and Yutaka Osugi. 1996. Structural analysis of gender handshapes in Japanese Sign Language (Nihon Syuwa). Presentation at Fifth International Conference on Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research

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Tajima, Masao. 1988. The present state and issues of the hard of hearing movement in Japan. (Presented at the 16th World Congress of Rehabilitation International).

Yosuke, Kawai. 1988. Welfare of hearing impaired persons in Japan. (Presented at the 16th World Congress of Rehabilitation International).

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Kramer, Lois F. 1925. Five years of speech for deaf children. In : Japan Evangelist. (1925, July) 246-47.

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1903. Monographs on the Education of the Blind and Deaf in the Kyoto, Japan, Institution. In : Association Review. 5 : 397.

1903. Short account of the Tokyo Blind and Dumb school. Tokyo: Tokyo Blind and Dumb School [Moa-Gakko].

1899. Rapport sommaire sur l'Ecole des Aveugles et des Sourds-Muets de Tokyo. In : The Association Review, an educational magazine. 2 (1900): 189-191,

1883. Deaf-mute education in Japan. In : American Annals of the Deaf. 28 (4) 271-272.

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Sign Media Inc. ed. 1990. Signs around the world. Japan. Burtonsville, Maryland: SMI (30 min.)





Deaf cultures and Sign Languages of the world: Japan

Fingeralphabete (Japan)

Kyoto Prefectural Education Center Website with explanations in English

日本手話通訳士協会 (Japanese Association of Sign Language Interpreters)

日本手話学会 Japanese Association of Sign Linguistics (JASL)

Sign Puddle Online 1.5 : Write Sign Language Dictionaries & Literature in Any Sign Language in the World...

Bibliography on Deaf Communities in Japan by Karen Nakamura -- Yale University (last updated on October 7th, 1995 and has 55 references.)

手話文法研究室 Sign Language Linguistics Net: by Ichida Yasuhiro



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