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言語名(日本語) インド手話
言語名(英語) Indian Sign Language
地域 インドバングラデシュ



インド手話Indian Sign Language





インド国内で 2,680,000人(2003). (エスノローグウェブ版



バンガロールマドラス手話(Bangalore-Madras Sign Language)

ボンベイ手話(Bombay Sign Language) (ムンバイ手話(Mumbai Sign Language))

カルカッタ手話(Calcutta Sign Language)







Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya. 2001. Indian Sign Language Dictionary. Coimbatore: Sri Ramakrishna Vidyalaya Printing Press.

Vasishta, Madan, James Woodward and Susan de Santis. 1987. An introduction to the Calcutta variety of Indian Sign Language. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press (Gallaudet Research Institute Monograph, No. 4) [ カルカッタ手話の情報を含む ]

Vasishta, Madan, James Woodward and Susan de Santis. 1986. An introduction to the Bombay variety of Indian Sign Language. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press (Gallaudet Research Institute Monograph, No. 4) [ ボンベイ手話の情報を含む ]

Vasishta, Madan, James Woodward and Susan deSantis 1985. An introduction to the Bangalore variety of Indian Sign Language. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press (Gallaudet Research Institute Monograph, No. 4) [ バンガロールマドラス手話の情報を含む ]


Samar, Sinha. 2013. Phonetics of Sonority in Indian Sign Language. Poster presentation at the International Conference on Sign Linguistics and Deaf Education in Asia, 2013, 30 January – 2 February 2013. The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Samar, Sinha. 2010. Classifier doubling in Indian Sign Language. Poster presentation at the Conference on Sign Linguistics and Deaf Education in Asia, 2010. (Hong Kong).

Vasishta Madan M. 2009. Deafness in India. In: Moores, Donald F. and Margery S. Miller eds. Deaf people around the world: Educational and social perspectives. Washington,DC : Gallaudet University Press. 46-52.

Dasgupta, Tirthankar, Sandipan Dandpat and Anupam Basu. 2008. Prototype Machine Translation System From Text-To-Indian Sign Language. In: IJCNLP(International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing)-08 Workshop on NLP(Natural Language Processing) for Less Privileged Languages. Proceedings of the Workshop. 11. January, 2008, IIIT, Hyderabad, India. Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing. 19-26.

Aboh, E noch O., Roland Pfau and Ulrike Zeshan. 2005. When a wh- word is not a wh- word: the case of Indian Sign Language. Presented at GLOW Asia 2005, Delhi Oct. 7 2005. In : Rajendra Singh, Herausgegeben von, and Bhattacharya, T. eds. Yearbook of South Asian Languages and Linguistics [2005]. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 11-43.

Zeshan, Ulrike and Sibaji Panda 2005. Professional course in Indian Sign Language. Mumbai: Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for the Hearing Handicapped.

Zeshan, Ulrike, Madan M. Vasishta, Meher Sethna. 2005. Implementation of Indian Sign Language in Educational Settings. In: Asia Pacific disability rehabilitation journal. January, 2005.

Ayjnihh [Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for the Hearing Handicapped] and Ulrike Zeshan. 2002. Advanced Course in Indian Sign Language (videos & workbook). Mumbai: AYJNIHH (Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India).

Ayjnihh [Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for the Hearing Handicapped] and Ulrike Zeshan. 2001. Basic Course in Indian Sign Language (videos & workbook). Mumbai: AYJNIHH (Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India).

小林昌之. 2001.「アジアのろう者事情(9)インド」『手話コミュニケーション研究』(全日本ろうあ連盟日本手話研究所)40(2001.06): 70-73.

2000. Indian Sign Language. In : Turkington, Carol, and Allen E. Sussman eds. The encyclopedia of deafness and hearing disorders, second edition. New York : Facts on File. 110.

Zeshan, Ulrike. 2000. Gebärdensprachen des indischen Subkontinents. München: Lincom Europa (Linguistic Research Forum, 4)

Deshmukh, Dilip. 1997. Sign Language and Bilingualism in Deaf Education. Ichalkaranji, India: Deaf Foundation

Deshmukh, Dilip. 1995. The status of sign language in deaf education in India. In: Mervin D. Garretson ed. Deafness: Life and culture, II. (A Deaf American Monograph, No. 45) Silver Spring, MD: NAD. 25-28

Sharma, Onkar. 1995. Sign language - controvery - status. AIFD All India Federation of the Deaf. In: News letter. New Delhi. Dec. 1995:2

Deshmukh, Dilip. 1994. The status of sign language in deaf education in India. Signpost 7/1:49-52

Jepson, Jill. 1991. Two Sign Languages in a Single Village in India. In Language Studies. 70:47-59

Jepson, Jill. 1991. Urban and Rural Sign Language in India. In: Language in Society. 1/2:37-57

Jepson, Jill. 1991. Some aspects of the deaf experience in India. Sign Language Studies. 20/73:453-459

Vasishta, Madan; James Woodward and Susan De Santis. 1987. Sign languages : Indian. In : Van Cleve, John V. (editor in chief), Gallaudet College eds. ‘’Gallaudet encyclopedia of deaf people and deafness.’’ New York : McGraw-Hill. vol.3. 79-81.

Vasishta, Madan, James Woodward and Kirk L. Wilson. 1978. Sign languages in India: regional variations within the deaf populations. In: Indian journal of applied linguistics. v.4 no.2.66-74.

Vasishta, Madan. 1975. Pilot Project for a Comprehensive Study of Sign Languages of India. Washington: Gallaudet College. Manuscript

Phillot, D.C. 1907. A note on the mercantile sign language of India. In: Journal and Proceedings, Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, N.S. III. 333-334


Sign Media Inc. ed. 1990. Signs around the world. India. Burtonsville, Maryland: SMI (30 min.)





Fingeralphabete (Indien)

Indian Sign Language


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