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国・地域名(日本語) 香港
国・地域名(英語) Hong Kong
正式国・地域名(日本語) 中華人民共和国香港特別行政区
正式国・地域名(英語) Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
国・地域情報 外務省
The World Factbook (CIA)
ウィキペディア 日本語版




「香港」(日本手話研究所「手話確定普及研究部」編. ヘドバーグ,トーマス監修. 2002.『国名手話ガイドブック』東京: 財団法人全日本ろうあ連盟出版局. 24.)

"Hong Kong" (In: Japanese Federation of the Deaf ed. Supervisor: Hedberg, Tomas. 2003. Country name-signs. Helsinki, Finland: World Federation of the Deaf. 16.)





香港手話Hong Kong Sign Language


アメリカ手話American Sign Language


香港手話の話者人口 20,000人 (2007)

エスノローグ第16版 より引用



香港ろう者協会(香港聾人協進会) (Hong Kong Association of the Deaf世界ろう連盟加盟団体、世界ろう連盟ウェブサイトより引用)







Tang, Gladys. 2007. Hong Kong Sign Language : A Trilingual Dictionary with Linguistic Descriptions. The Chinese University Press.

香港中華YMCA・台北YMCA・クアラルンプールYMCA・大阪YMCA編.1989.『四ヶ国手話辞典2(聾人手語)』(第4版)大阪: 大阪YMCA. [ 台湾手話日本手話香港手話マレーシア手話の手話辞典.韓国手話の指文字ページあり.]

香港中華YMCA・台北YMCA・マレーシアYMCA同盟・大阪YMCA 編.1984.『四ヶ国手話辞典1(聾人手語)』(第3版)大阪: 大阪YMCA. [ 台湾手話日本手話香港手話マレーシア手話の手話辞典.韓国手話の指文字ページあり.]

1980.『聾人手語』(改定版)大阪: 大阪YMCA. [ 台湾手話日本手話香港手話の手話辞典]

1979.『聾人手語』(第1版)香港: 香港中華YMCA. [ 台湾手話日本手話香港手話の手話辞典]

Goodstadt, Rose Yin-Chee. 1972. Speaking with signs; a sign language manual for Hongkong's deaf. Hong Kong: Government Printer.


Lam, Wai Sze. 2009. Early Phrase Structure in Hong Kong Sign Language: A Case Study. Doctoral dissertation, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Lam, Scholastica and Gladys Tang. 2008. The effect of Input Ambiguity on Head Directionality in early HKSL. Paper presented at the Conference on Bilingual Acquisition in Early Childhood, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 11-12 December 2008.

Mak, Joe and Gladys Tang. 2008. Movement - Simultaneity And Dynamicity In The Phonological System Of Hong Kong Sign Language. The First SignTyp Conference, University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA, 26-28 June 2008.

Sze, Felix. 2008. Blinks and intonational phrases in Hong Kong Sign Language. In : J. Quer ed. Signs of the Time : Selected Papers from TISLR 2004. Hamburg : Signum. 83-107.

Wong, Yuet On. 2008. Acquisition of Handshape in Hong Kong Sign Language: A Case Study. MPhil thesis, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Tang, Gladys and Yang Gu. 2007. Events of motion and causation in Hong Kong Sign Language. In : Lingua. 117. 1216-1257.

Tang, Gladys. 2007. The Acquisition of Perfective Aspect in Hong Kong Sign Language. Paper presented at the Workshop on Acquisition of Functional Categories in Asian Languages, 26 December 2007, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Tang, Gladys, Felix Sze and Scholastic Lam. 2007. Acquisition of Simultaneous Constructions by Deaf Children of Hong Kong Sign Language. In : Vermeerbergen, Myriam, Lorraine Leeson and Onno Alex Crasborn eds. Simultaneity in signed languages: form and function. John Benjamins Publishing Co. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 283–316.

Tang, Gladys. and Yang Gu. 2006. Events of motion and causation in Hong Kong Sign Language. In : Lingua (117)7, 1216-1257.

Tang, Gladys. 2006. Negative and Interrogative Constructions in Hong Kong Sign Language’. In Ulrike Zeshan ed. Sign Language Typology: Interrogatives and Negation. Nijmegen: Ishara Press.

Tang, Gladys, Scholastica Lam, Felix Sze, Prudence Lau. and Jafi Lee. 2006. Acquisition of verb agreement in Hong Kong Sign Language. Paper presented at the Ninth Conference on Theoretical Issues on Sign Language Research (TISLR9), Florianopolis, Brazil. 6-9 December, 2006.

Tang, Gladys and Scholastica Lam. 2006. Child Acquisition of Verbs in Hong Kong Sign Language, Paper presented at the 11th Symposium on Contemporary Linguistics, Tianjin, China, 13-15 October 2006.

Tang, Gladys. 2006. Questions and negation in Hong Kong Sign Language. In : In: Zeshan, Ulrike. ed. Interrogative and Negative Constructions in Sign Languages. Sign Language Typology Series No. 1. Nijmegen: Ishara Press. 198-224.

Tang, Gladys and Cheng Ka Yiu. 2005. The Nippon Foundation Asian SignBank. An International Symposium – Instructional Technology and Education of the Deaf, National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester Institute of Technology, New York, USA, 27-30 June 2005.

Tang, Gladys, Scholastica Lam, Jafi Lee and Denise Chan. 2005. Effective learning: a Deaf Sign Language perspective. In: Proceedings of Hong Kong Red Cross Special Education & Rehabilitation Service 50th Anniversary International Conference 2004. 81-92.

大杉豊(構成). 2004.「アジア太平洋地域での実用手話辞典製作プロジェクトについて」『手話コミュニケーション研究(特集: ベトナムのろう者と手話)』(日本手話研究所)53(2004.09): 12-20.[ アジア(全般)カンボジアタイフィリピンベトナム香港に関する内容を含む]

Lam, Wai-Sze 2003: Verb Agreement in Hong Kong sign Language. The Chinese. University of Hong Kong. Master thesis.

Tang, Gladys. 2003. Classifiers of Hong Kong Sign Language: Conflation and Lexicalization. In Emmorey, Karen ed. Perspectives on Classifier Constructions in Sign Languages Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates. 143-167.

Tang, Gladys. 2003. Verbs of Motion and Location in Hong Kong Sign Language: Conflation and Lexicalization. In Emmorey, Karen ed. Perspectives on Classifier Constructions in Sign Languages. Mahwah, NJ: USA: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. 143-165.

Tang, Gladys, and Felix Sze. 2002. Nominal expressions in Hong Kong Sign Language: does modality make a difference? In Meier, Richard P., David Quinto and Kearsy Cormier eds. Modality in Language and Linguistic Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 296-321.

Tang, Gladys. 2001. Classifiers of Hong Kong Sign Language: A Semantic Universals Perspective.’ In Zhang, Zheng-sheng ed. Proceedings of the 12th North American Conference. on Chinese Linguistics San Diego: San Diego State University. 187-207.

Tam, Pui-ying and Ingrid Tsui. 2000. Hearing disabilities: much more should be done: a review of the status of the deaf and hearing-impaired in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Civic Exchange.

Sze, Yim Binh Felix. 2000. Word Order of Hong Kong Sign Language. In : Baker, Anne, Beppie van den Bogaerde and Onno Crasborn eds. Cross-linguistic perspectives in sign language research. Selected papers from TISLR 2000. 2003. Hamburg: Signum Verlag. 163-192.

小林昌之. 2000.「アジアのろう者事情(7)香港」『手話コミュニケーション研究』(全日本ろうあ連盟日本手話研究所)36(2000.06): 60-63.

王継鋒. 2000.『香港手語図例入門-基礎編(改訂版)』


Yau Shun-Chiu. 1996. The weight of tradition in the formation of the name signs of the deaf in China. In Diogenes 44 (175) 55-65.

Yau Shun-Chiu. 1994. Sign languages in Asia. In: Asher, R. E. and JMY Simpson eds. The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. 7: 3921-3922.

Hong Kong Society for the Deaf. 1993. Hong Kong Society for the Deaf: silver jubilee commemorative issue. Edited by Lai, Boon Lap et al. Hong Kong. (In English and Chinese).

Yau Shun-Chiu. 1991. La langue des signes chinoise. In : Cahiers de linguistique Asie orientale. 20 (1) 138-142.

香港教育署特殊教育組・香港聾人手語工作小組. 1990.『香港聾人手語字彙』(香港教育署)

Kwan, Eva W. 1987. Hong Kong. In : Van Cleve, John V. (editor in chief), Gallaudet College eds. Gallaudet encyclopedia of deaf people and deafness. New York : McGraw-Hill. vol.2. 73-75.

Yau Shun-Chiu. 1977. The Chinese Signs: lexicon of the standard sign language for the deaf in China. Hong Kong: Chiu Ming Publishing Co.

Goodstadt, Rose Yin-Chee. 1970. Speaking with Signs: a sign language manual for Hong Kong's deaf. Hong Kong: Government Printer.



小林昌之(KOBAYASHI, Masayuki)

佐々木大介(SASAKI, Daisuke)





Fingeralphabet Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapur, Taiwan


アジア(全般) アジア(全般)
東アジア 韓国 | 北朝鮮 | 中国 | 日本 | モンゴル
東南アジア インドネシア | カンボジア | シンガポール | タイ | 東ティモール | フィリピン | ブルネイ | ベトナム | マレーシア | ミャンマー | ラオス
南アジア インド | スリランカ | ネパール | パキスタン | バングラデシュ | ブータン | モルディブ
西アジア アフガニスタン
地域・その他 台湾 | 香港 | マカオ
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