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タンザニア全国ろう者協会による手話話者数:278,000人.  (WFD. 2008. ''Global Survey Report.'' : 下記 [[#■文献|文献]] 欄参照.)
[[#■ろう者の組織・団体| タンザニア全国ろう者協会]]による手話話者数:278,000人.  (WFD. 2008. ''Global Survey Report.'' : 下記 [[#■文献|文献]] 欄参照.)
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タンザニア全国ろう者協会(Tanzania Association of the Deaf  : [http://www.wfdeaf.org/ 世界ろう連盟]加盟団体)
タンザニア全国ろう者協会(Tanzania Association of the Deaf  : [http://www.wfdeaf.org/ 世界ろう連盟]加盟団体; 1983年設立.(WFD. 2008. ''Global Survey Report.'' : 下記 [[#■文献|文献]] 欄参照.))
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World Federation of the Deaf and Swedish National Association of the Deaf. 2008. ''Global Survey Report. WFD Regional Secretariat for Southern and Eastern Africa (WFD RSESA). Global Education Pre-Planning Project on the Human Rights of Deaf People.'' World Federation of the Deaf. Finland.
World Federation of the Deaf and Swedish National Association of the Deaf. 2008. ''G[http://www.wfdeaf.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/5.-RSESA-Regional-Survey-Report-No-5-English-Version.pdf Global Survey Report. WFD Regional Secretariat for Southern and Eastern Africa (WFD RSESA). Global Education Pre-Planning Project on the Human Rights of Deaf People.]'' World Federation of the Deaf. Finland.
Nambira, Geoffrey. 1994. Educating Children with Hearing Impairments in Tanzania. Comparing Regular and Special Schools. Stockholm University. [Institute of International Education.  225 + xiv (Doctoral dissertation.)]
Nambira, Geoffrey. 1994. Educating Children with Hearing Impairments in Tanzania. Comparing Regular and Special Schools. Stockholm University. [Institute of International Education.  225 + xiv (Doctoral dissertation.)]

Revision as of 20:38, 29 June 2011

国・地域名(日本語) タンザニア
国・地域名(英語) Tanzania
正式国・地域名(日本語) タンザニア連合共和国
正式国・地域名(英語) United Republic of Tanzania
国・地域情報 外務省
The World Factbook (CIA)
ウィキペディア 日本語版




「タンザニア」(日本手話研究所「手話確定普及研究部」編. ヘドバーグ,トーマス監修. 2002.『国名手話ガイドブック』東京: 財団法人全日本ろうあ連盟出版局. 179.)

"Tanzania" (In: Japanese Federation of the Deaf ed. Supervisor: Hedberg, Tomas. 2003. Country name-signs. Helsinki, Finland: World Federation of the Deaf. 99.)





タンザニア手話Tanzanian Sign Language


アメリカ手話American Sign Language

デンマーク手話Danish Sign Language

フィンランド手話Finnish Sign Language

ドイツ手話German Sign Language

スウェーデン手話Swedish Sign Language


タンザニア全国ろう者協会による手話話者数:278,000人. (WFD. 2008. Global Survey Report. : 下記 文献 欄参照.)



タンザニア全国ろう者協会(Tanzania Association of the Deaf : 世界ろう連盟加盟団体; 1983年設立.(WFD. 2008. Global Survey Report. : 下記 文献 欄参照.))







Muzale, HRT ed. 2004. Kamusi ya alama Tanzania(The Tanzanian sign language dictionary). Second edition. Dar es Salaam: Chama cha Viziwi Tanzania (Tanzanian Association of the Deaf) and Languages of Tanzania (LOT project - University of Dar es Salaam).

1993. Kamusi ya alama Tanzania(The Tanzanian sign language dictionary). First edition. Dar es Salaam: Chama cha Viziwi Tanzania (Tanzanian Association of the Deaf).


World Federation of the Deaf and Swedish National Association of the Deaf. 2008. GGlobal Survey Report. WFD Regional Secretariat for Southern and Eastern Africa (WFD RSESA). Global Education Pre-Planning Project on the Human Rights of Deaf People. World Federation of the Deaf. Finland.

Nambira, Geoffrey. 1994. Educating Children with Hearing Impairments in Tanzania. Comparing Regular and Special Schools. Stockholm University. [Institute of International Education. 225 + xiv (Doctoral dissertation.)]

Kulwa, Benjamin N. 1992. Report from schools in Tanzania. In: East African Sign Language Seminar. Debre Zeit, Ethiopia, August 20-26, 1990. Helsinki : Finnish Association of the Deaf. 89.

Anduru, Agoro. 1992. The development of sign language in Tanzania. In: East African Sign Language Seminar. Debre Zeit, Ethiopia, August 20-26, 1990. Helsinki : Finnish Association of the Deaf. 40-41.

Mkaali, Clemens. 1992. Tanzania Report on Development of Sign Language After the Arusha Seminar. In: East African Sign Language Seminar. Debre Zeit, Ethiopia, August 20-26, 1990. Helsinki : Finnish Association of the Deaf. 30.

Androu [or Anduru], Agoro. 1991. Deaf people communicating with the general public. In: Partnership Between Deaf People and Professionals. Proceedings of a Conference held ... August 1991 ... Rabat, Malta, arranged by Initiatives for Deaf Education in the Third World, in co-operation with the National Commission for the Handicapped, Malta. 1991. Valletta: Ministry of Society Policy, Malta. 116–21.

Mtaita, Eliakunda. 1991. Government involvement in services for the deaf. In: Partnership Between Deaf People and Professionals. Proceedings of a Conference held ... August 1991 ... Rabat, Malta, arranged by Initiatives for Deaf Education in the Third World, in co-operation with the National Commission for the Handicapped, Malta. 1991. Valletta: Ministry of Society Policy, Malta. 127-130.

Nambira, Geoffrey. 1990. Attitude toward different methods of communication in teaching the hearing impaired children: an approach to total communication in Tanzania. Unpublished. Master's Thesis, University Jyvaskyla, Finland.

Hokoroto, T. 1987. The communication controversy. Is there a need for an alternative to oralism in Tanzanian Schools for hearing impaired children? In: Special education bulletin for eastern and southern Africa . 5(3) : 2-5.

Kantongo, Godfrida Prisca 1987. A pre-school deaf child in school. In : Proceedings of the X World Congress of the World Federation of the Deaf, Espoo, Finland, 20-28 July 1987, Vol. II Helsinki. 779-783.

Msengi, Z.M. 1987. Opening for a medium of communication for Deaf children in Tanzania. In:Special education bulletin for eastern and southern Africa. 5(3) : 6-11.

Gamwell, Ann 1972. The roles of government and voluntary agencies in the development of services for the handicapped in Tanzania. In: Proceedings of the Seminar on Deafness ... Accra, September 1972, London : Commonwealth Society for the Deaf. 70-73.

Mabula J. 1972. The education of the deaf-mute in Tanzania. In: Proceedings of the Seminar on Deafness ... Accra, September 1972, London : Commonwealth Society for the Deaf. 49-50.





Fingeralphabete (Tanzania)


アフリカ(全般) アフリカ(全般)
北アフリカ アルジェリア | エジプト | チュニジア | モロッコ | リビア
西アフリカ ガーナ | ガンビア | ギニア | ギニアビサウ | コートジボワール | シエラレオネ | セネガル | トーゴ | ナイジェリア | ニジェール | ブルキナファソ | ベナン | マリ | モーリタニア | リベリア
大西洋島嶼国 カーボヴェルデ | サントメ・プリンシペ
中部アフリカ ガボン | カメルーン | コンゴ共和国 | コンゴ民主共和国 | 赤道ギニア | チャド | 中央アフリカ | ブルンジ | ルワンダ
東アフリカ ウガンダ | エチオピア | エリトリア | ケニア | ジブチ | スーダン | ソマリア | タンザニア | 南スーダン
南部アフリカ アンゴラ | ザンビア | ジンバブエ | スワジランド | ナミビア | ボツワナ | マラウイ | 南アフリカ | モザンビーク | レソト
インド洋島嶼国 コモロ | セーシェル | マダガスカル | モーリシャス
地域・その他 西サハラ
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