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Abdel–Fattah, Mahmoud A. 2005. Arabic Sign Language: a perspective. In : ''Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 10.'' (2) 212–221.
Brelje, H. William. ed. 1999. ''Global Perspectives on the Education of the Deaf in Selected Countries.'' Hillsboro, Oregon: Butte. (Includes [[Egypt]], [[Israel]], [[Lebanon]]and [[Saudi Arabia]])
El Bakary, Waguida. 1999. The education of the hearing impaired in Egypt. In : H. William Brelje ed. ''Global perspectives on the education of the deaf in selected countries.'' Hillsboro, Ore. : Butte Publications. 69-79.
El Bakary, Waguida. 1999. The education of the hearing impaired in Egypt. In : H. William Brelje ed. ''Global perspectives on the education of the deaf in selected countries.'' Hillsboro, Ore. : Butte Publications. 69-79.
`Abd Allah, Layla `Abd Allah Muhammad. 1997. Ahkam al–akhras fi al–fiqh al–Islami. (Comparative study of people who are ‘mute’ or ‘dumb,’ in Islamic law and religion : M.A. thesis, Jamiat al–Azhar, 1996.) Cairo: Maktabat al–Zahra.
Michailakis, Dimitris. 1997. Government Implementation of the Standard Rules as Seen by Member Organizations of the World Federation of the Deaf. (Reprinted on website of the Institute on Independent Living).33-34.
Egypt Ministry of Education. 1989. ''Muzakkira fi sha'n al-mutattalibat al-tarbawiya li madaris al-tarbiya al-sama'ia.'' [Memo on educational specifications for schools for the deaf.] Cairo.
Egypt Ministry of Education. 1989. ''Muzakkira fi sha'n al-mutattalibat al-tarbawiya li madaris al-tarbiya al-sama'ia.'' [Memo on educational specifications for schools for the deaf.] Cairo.
Edelstam, Anne. 1984. Socializing the Deaf in Cairo. M.A. thesis, Department of Sociology, Anthropology & Psychology, American University in Cairo.  
Edelstam, Anne. 1984. Socializing the Deaf in Cairo. M.A. thesis, Department of Sociology, Anthropology & Psychology, American University in Cairo.  
Toubbeh, J., S. Soliman and J. Yates. 1976. Communication for hearing–handicapped people in the Arab world. In: Oyer, Herbert J. ed. Communication for the Hearing Handicapped. An international perspective, Baltimore:Univ. Park Press. 395–419. ( Includes [[Tunisia]], [[Egypt]], [[Lebanon]], [[Syria]] and [[UAE]].
1947. The DEAF in Egypt. In : ''Volta Review.'' 49 (1) p. 35.
1947. The DEAF in Egypt. In : ''Volta Review.'' 49 (1) p. 35.

Revision as of 08:51, 16 August 2010

国・地域名(日本語) エジプト
国・地域名(英語) Egypt
正式国・地域名(日本語) エジプト・アラブ共和国
正式国・地域名(英語) Arab Republic of Egypt
国・地域情報 外務省
The World Factbook (CIA)
ウィキペディア 日本語版




「エジプト」(日本手話研究所「手話確定普及研究部」編. ヘドバーグ,トーマス監修. 2002.『国名手話ガイドブック』東京: 財団法人全日本ろうあ連盟出版局. 150.)

"Egypt" (In: Japanese Federation of the Deaf ed. Supervisor: Hedberg, Tomas. 2003. Country name-signs. Helsinki, Finland: World Federation of the Deaf. 84.)




エジプト手話Egyptian Sign Language




アスダー聴覚障害者奉仕協会(Asdaa's Association for serving the Hearing Impaired







Suwayd, Abd al-Hamid. 1984. Al-Qamus al-ishari. [Cairo, Egypt?]


Abdel–Fattah, Mahmoud A. 2005. Arabic Sign Language: a perspective. In : Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 10. (2) 212–221.

Brelje, H. William. ed. 1999. Global Perspectives on the Education of the Deaf in Selected Countries. Hillsboro, Oregon: Butte. (Includes Egypt, Israel, Lebanonand Saudi Arabia)

El Bakary, Waguida. 1999. The education of the hearing impaired in Egypt. In : H. William Brelje ed. Global perspectives on the education of the deaf in selected countries. Hillsboro, Ore. : Butte Publications. 69-79.

`Abd Allah, Layla `Abd Allah Muhammad. 1997. Ahkam al–akhras fi al–fiqh al–Islami. (Comparative study of people who are ‘mute’ or ‘dumb,’ in Islamic law and religion : M.A. thesis, Jamiat al–Azhar, 1996.) Cairo: Maktabat al–Zahra.

Michailakis, Dimitris. 1997. Government Implementation of the Standard Rules as Seen by Member Organizations of the World Federation of the Deaf. (Reprinted on website of the Institute on Independent Living).33-34.

Egypt Ministry of Education. 1989. Muzakkira fi sha'n al-mutattalibat al-tarbawiya li madaris al-tarbiya al-sama'ia. [Memo on educational specifications for schools for the deaf.] Cairo.

Edelstam, Anne. 1984. Socializing the Deaf in Cairo. M.A. thesis, Department of Sociology, Anthropology & Psychology, American University in Cairo.

Toubbeh, J., S. Soliman and J. Yates. 1976. Communication for hearing–handicapped people in the Arab world. In: Oyer, Herbert J. ed. Communication for the Hearing Handicapped. An international perspective, Baltimore:Univ. Park Press. 395–419. ( Includes Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and UAE.

1947. The DEAF in Egypt. In : Volta Review. 49 (1) p. 35.

1941. A SCHOOL for the Deaf in Egypt. In : Volta Review. 43 (2) 98-99.

1909, Feb. In Cairo. In : The Silent Worker. 21 (no. 5).





Deaf cultures and Sign Languages of the world: Egypt

Fingeralphabete (Agypten)


アフリカ(全般) アフリカ(全般)
北アフリカ アルジェリア | エジプト | チュニジア | モロッコ | リビア
西アフリカ ガーナ | ガンビア | ギニア | ギニアビサウ | コートジボワール | シエラレオネ | セネガル | トーゴ | ナイジェリア | ニジェール | ブルキナファソ | ベナン | マリ | モーリタニア | リベリア
大西洋島嶼国 カーボヴェルデ | サントメ・プリンシペ
中部アフリカ ガボン | カメルーン | コンゴ共和国 | コンゴ民主共和国 | 赤道ギニア | チャド | 中央アフリカ | ブルンジ | ルワンダ
東アフリカ ウガンダ | エチオピア | エリトリア | ケニア | ジブチ | スーダン | ソマリア | タンザニア | 南スーダン
南部アフリカ アンゴラ | ザンビア | ジンバブエ | スワジランド | ナミビア | ボツワナ | マラウイ | 南アフリカ | モザンビーク | レソト
インド洋島嶼国 コモロ | セーシェル | マダガスカル | モーリシャス
地域・その他 西サハラ
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